The Lecturer And Students Employ A Politeness Strategy During Class Discussions


  • Jimmy Cromico Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung
  • Taufik Rahman Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung
  • Intan Trine Chodija Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung
  • Aulia Rizqi Ramadhani Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung
  • Dede Muhtadin Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung


Kata Kunci:

Communicative Function, Politeness Strategy, FTAs, Classroom Discussion


Politeness strategy is the strategy to make polite utterance to minimize face threatening acts to make the symphonious condition that support the well-running of interaction in the classroom discussion, when the interaction flow well the students’ understanding will follow it. In this study the researcher applied content analysis design with qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were the fourth semester students of English Education Department in the academic year 2015/2016 who were having discussion in argumentative speaking class at State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung. The informant were 36 students. This study used students’ utterances containing kinds of communicative functions, and politeness strategy as the data. Based on analysis of the data, the researcher found that there were 11 communicative functions used by lecturer and students in classroom discussion, they were : 1) act of ordering, 2) act of requesting, 3) act of self-humiliating, 4) act of reminding,5) act of agreeing, 6) act of disagreeing,7) act of apologizing, 8) act of excusing, 9) act of thanking, 10) act of suggesting, and 11) act of praising. From the analysis, the researcher found most of the lecturer and students performed act of requesting, and act of ordering. There were 18 act of ordering uttered by the lecturer and there were 8 act of requesting done by the students. While there were 5 politeness strategy performed by lecturer and students, they were : 1) baldy politeness strategy, 2) positive politeness strategy, 3) negative politeness strategy, 4) off-record strategy, 5) using combination of positive and negative politeness strategy. From the research the researcher found most of the lecturer and students often use baldly politeness strategy in doing act of requesting and ordering, then they often use positive politeness strategy, and negative politeness strategy in doing act of agreeing, and disagreeing, and they often use off-record strategy in doing act of self-humiliating. In the act of ordering and requesting, apologizing, agreeing and disagreeing the speakers are often use direct strategy and indirect strategy, but in the act of reminding, and self-humiliating the speakers are often use indirect strategies. The direct strategy in performing communicative function used by the lecturer and students were using imperative sentence, affirmative sentence, and negative sentence while the lecturer and students often choose indirect communicative function using question, yes/no question, using modal and WH question and using affirmative sentence. The students often used negative politeness strategy, but only in some utterances. In certain case the speaker performed no politeness strategy, so they used direct instruction using imperative sentence. When the students decided to choose negative politeness strategy, they often used indirect order or suggestion, question, or understatement.




Cara Mengutip

Cromico, J., Rahman, T., Chodija, I. T., Ramadhani, A. R., & Muhtadin, D. (2022). The Lecturer And Students Employ A Politeness Strategy During Class Discussions. Natural : Jurnal Riset Pendidikan , 1(1), 76–120.