Epistimologi Dan Sejarah Semantik


  • Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung Institut Agama Islam Darul A'mal Lampung
  • M.Rofiq Junaidi UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta




Epistimologi Sejarah Semantik


Semantics is closely related to sociology, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy. This paper explores the concept of “semantics,” which includes shared and complex ideas. In everyday language, the word "semantics" is often used to describe difficulties in understanding words or meanings. The roots of semantic analysis can be found in discussions among teachers of philosophy, such as Plato and Socrates, about the relationship between words and their meanings In its increasingly widespread and significant development, it is often found in daily language which shows problems understanding the choice of words, sentences and meaning. In a sentence (paradigmatic) certain phrases influence the syntagmatic meaning of the sentence. So semantics emerges which from the start is about discussing a meaning because what happens is that a person becomes aware of language down to its roots. There is a special study of meaning in relation to the language of a people. Semantics has now become its own scientific discipline that represents a variety of popular and technical ideas. Many Indian and Greek researchers and scientists have become researchers or linguists. They were interested in and became sources for the Arabic language and the scholarship of medieval scholars



How to Cite

Darul A’mal Lampung, I. A. I., & Junaidi, M. (2024). Epistimologi Dan Sejarah Semantik . Al-Ikmal: Jurnal Pendidikan , 3(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.47902/al-ikmal.v3i5.169