The Effects Of Using Scanning Technology On Reading Comprehension.
Skimming Reading Technique, Students’ Reading Comprehension, Explanation Text, and Quasi Experimental StudyAbstract
The objective of the research was to get empirical evidence of the intervention using skimming reading technique on students’ reading comprehension of explanation text. The method of this research was quasi-experimental study. The population of this research was the Eleventh Grade (XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2) of MAN 1 Lampung Timur with total number of students 45. The research instruments were test that consisted of pre-test and post-test form. Based on the results of data analysis from pre-test the average of study result gained in tests with the average value was 76,105, and the average of study result gained in post-tests was 77,210. Whereas in post-test of after applying skimming reading technique had enhanced 1,105 point from pre-test. Based on the learning activities which had occurred the effectiveness in the experimental class (XI IPA 1). From this research findings, it showed that skimming reading technique had a large significant effect on students’ reading comprehension of explanation text.