Peran Brand Lokal dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia: Studi Pada Brand Wearing Klamby Kota Bandar Lampung
This study aims to determine the role of local brands in helping economic growth in Indonesia. In recent years, local Indonesian brands have shown significant growth driven by increasing consumer awareness of domestic products, local lifestyle trends, and government policies that support the creative industry. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, using primary and secondary data then reviewed based on relevant theoretical literature so that the results of the study can be concluded. The results of this study are that the Wearing Klamby Brand has a significant contribution to increasing Indonesia's economic growth through empowering Human Resources (HR), Creating Job Opportunities, Adopting Digital Technology and in overcoming challenges. The main benefit of this research is that it can be a standardization for local brand business actors in boosting the targeted market, and become a reference for the government to pay more attention to local brand business actors because they contribute greatly to increasing economic growth.